Which Style Is Right For Your Event Or Meeting– Consecutive Or Simultaneous Interpreting?

(Last Updated On: April 29, 2015)

Consecutive Or Simultaneous Interpreting?

  • While different types of interpreting forms and formats are available for communicating, how can you identify which is the most suitable one for the event or the meeting you are organizing? Would it be simultaneous interpreting? Consecutive Maybe?
  • The interpreter is helping you whenever you want to take forward your communication with your foreign clients. Types of interpreting may differ from one situation to the other. However, organizations and individuals are commonly using consecutive or simultaneous interpreting types, depending on the needs.
  • When is consecutive interpreting applicable?
  • It helps in bi-lateral communication and for a small-scale meeting where the interpreter acts as a bridge between the speaker and the listener. The interpreter will use the native language of the listeners during the interpreting. It is famous in formal and informal communication. Interviews, parent-teacher conference, HR meetings, court depositions, and medical consultations are some examples of Consecutive Telephone interpreting. It will benefit both parties as they can have their communication like a conversation. However, it consumes a great deal of time, as an interpreter has to interpret when both parties communicate their messages.
  • When is Simultaneous Interpreting applicable?
  • Simultaneous interpreting is more suitable for conferences where real time interpreting is necessary. You can use simultaneous interpreting in formal or with larger audience sessions. This type of interpreting is not good for conversational situations where consecutive interpreting usually gets the credit. The following are examples for Simultaneous interpreting: international conventions, diplomatic conferences, business online meetings, training sessions, presentations, courtrooms, lectures, and tours. It needs audiovisual tools like wireless receivers, headphones, and microphones in order to pass the messages between the speaker and the listener or audience. However, in case of intimate gatherings, consecutive interpreting is the best option.
  • What are other the Interpreting Options?
  • If you have face-to-face communication, consecutive and simultaneous interpreting are both effective. However, in case you want to communicate over the phone, and no time to arrange for an interpreter, what will be your option? You have a solution, telephonic interpreting will help you. It has an online interpreter for interpreting communication between parties. It is like a consecutive interpreting and it is best for conference calls and arranged appointments where you have international contacts. You can choose Consecutive, simultaneous and telephonic interpreting according to your needs and situation to pass your message in the required language.
  • If you need a quick service for any purpose, it would be very difficult to find the right interpreters on demand.  Sometimes you would only need them for a few hours, but you would not want to pay a lot of money. You might be in need of services in the absence of your present interpreters. In many situations, you would need the best services that can offer the highest quality simultaneous interpreting at the cheapest price. You must consider Telephone interpreting in all those cases.

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