Reap Plenty from Telephone Interpretation with Telephone Interpreter Skills and Resources

(Last Updated On: April 29, 2015)

Telephone Interpretation

Telephone interpretation is the ultimate solution for many people who want to do business and understand each other but lack a common language. Telephone interpreting is the form of interpretation where the interpreter and the client do not meet physically; they talk over the phone.

Telephone interpretation is your best bet if you are a client. This is because telephone conversation is cheaper compared to face-to-face interpretation. In addition, as a client, you can access the services of a high quality interpreter within minutes of notifying an interpretation agency of your need.

When you call your agent to book time with an interpreter, the interpreting company will issue you a unique PIN that will be your personal identification number. At the prearranged time, all the people who will participate in the conversation should dial an assigned number and enter the issued PIN. By entering the PIN, the participants will be connected to a teleconference. After all of the participants are connected and they can hear each other, the interpreter will also be on call.

You will introduce each other and choose the chairperson of the meeting, and the interpreter will start interpreting as directed. To make the session a breeze, each of the participants must speak one at a time; no more than one participant should speak at any given time. When only one participant speaks at a time, the meeting will run much faster and the participants will understand each other better. In addition, this gives the interpreter an easier time.

To ensure that the telephone interpretation runs smoothly, you should allow ample time for interpretation. According to research, a conversation that is being interpreted takes almost twice as long as a conversation that is not being interpreted. Therefore, to ensure that you do not cut the meeting short, you should always start the meeting early enough to ensure that there is ample time to cover everything to be discussed in the meeting.

In addition, you should realize that it is difficult for the interpreter to facilitate a large meeting therefore, for the Conference Interpreting to be successful, if you have more than eight people speaking different languages in a meeting, you should consider splitting the group into two. You can run the two groups simultaneously (where you will need to hire another interpreter) or concurrently (where one group follows the other).


By now, you know how to reap maximum benefits from an interpreter. Take advantage of the high quality and cheap telephone interpretation from Telephone Interpreting Service.

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