How can a phone interpretation platform help a start-up interpretation agency

(Last Updated On: October 16, 2017)An interpretation agency is an interpretation service provider that offers a large gamma of language solutions. These agencies are compounded of a number of professional language experts that are engaged to provide interpretation services over the phone or through other non in – person channels of communication.

Advantages for an interpretation agency

The way an automated interpretation platform works enables any interpretation agency to provide multiple language solutions, which is considered to be one of the benefits of interpretation over the phone.

Another benefit is the fact that by using the “over the phone” interpretation platform you as an agency can pay the interpreters only for the interpretation time, up to the second.

What about the time of service delivery? Through an automated interpretation platform, your clients will be able to get the service of an interpreter faster by eliminating the conversation with a human operator.

But, how are these benefits delivered? Of course, the interpreters’ engagement is the main ingredient, but it would not be possible to deliver this solution without the support of a platform. Especially in the case of start – up interpretation services, the interpretation platform is considered to be the basis of a successful business.

The phone interpretation platform is the system that enables the interpreter’s selection and connection with the service requester (your client). This is done through a real time checking process which is based on the language requested and the interpreter’s availability.

The phone interpretation platform enables the time tracking system as well. From the very first moment when the interpretation starts, up to its very end it is always tracking the time and charging your client precisely.

Through our automated platform, any start – up interpretation agency is able to record conversations (which is great for your clients) as well as all data in regards to the call (like time spent on the phone, language selection, interpreter who replied to the call) which will allow you to generate different reports for all your needs. Those reports can be further used in order to improve your business strategy.

A phone interpretation platform allows the agencies to use distant professional experts as well. This is achieved through a user management system. Regardless of your location, you only need to have an account and you can start to provide interpretation services through our over the phone interpretation platform in a matter of days.

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