How to Find and Work with Interpreting and Translating

(Last Updated On: June 10, 2015)

Telephone interpreting is not an easy task

In current times, interpreting and translating services are in huge demand. This is because many people from different parts of the world are doing business together. Interpreters are usually called in to overcome the language barrier. If you want the services of an interpreter, the best place to get one is from an agency.

Most Telephone interpreting agencies deal only with experienced interpreters; therefore, you should not worry about the quality of the interpreter who will be sent to you. Although getting a high quality interpreter is easy, to ensure that you have a successful session with the interpreter, there are a few things that you should do.

  Establish ground rules with the interpreter

This is very important. Before the interpretation day, you should meet with the interpreter and agree on a few things such as the interpretation venue, number of sentences that will be translated, when you will take a break, sitting arrangements and any other issues.

In addition, this is the time that you inform the interpreter some of the jargon that may be used during the meeting. In addition, if you are planning to read the script, you should give the interpreter a copy of your script so that they can familiarize themselves with what you will say in the meeting.

By establishing some of the ground rules, you prepare the interpreter psychologically on what to expect at the meeting. This helps the interpreter to make ample preparations.

  Addressing your counterpart

When the interpretation day comes, you should talk to your counterpart and not to the interpreter. Although, you will not understand what the other party will be saying, you should ensure that you maintain eye contact and always speak as if you understand what they are saying. By doing so, you will establish rapport and trust with your counterpart, and they will not feel as if they are being ignored.

  Avoid humor

Most interpreters agree that interpreting  humor is difficult. This is because the words that you may use in a humorous way in your language may not be as humorous when interpreted to another language. The words may be offensive to the other party. So, just do not use humor. If you intend to use it, maybe as the opening line, you should always consult with the interpreter beforehand.


In addition to the above tips, you should always allocate enough time for interpreting. This is because when there is interpretation, the session is almost twice as long. To avoid cutting the meeting short, always start early.

So there you have it. If you need an interpreter in your next meeting, get one from an agency such as TIS and remember to allow enough time for interpretation.

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